You pay regular premiums and in return the insurance company will pay out a lump sum. 你定期支付保险费,而保险公司则会一次性给你一笔钱作为回报。
This is a wonderful job for the right person, regular hours, no night shifts, no supervisor behind you, and good pay. 对合适的人来说这是一份很好的工作。正常班,没有夜班。没有监工,而且收入很不错。
They were not too proud to ask Lydia's sisters for financial help during every crisis, and Elizabeth and Jane both sent them regular gifts of money to pay their bills. 每逢危机、伸手向丽迪亚的姐姐们要钱时,他们便显得不那么自傲了。伊丽莎白和简还定期给他们寄点私房钱帮他们付帐。
However, staff often do opt for the unpaid leave because they have regular pay packages and benefits. 但好事多的员工往往选择接受不带薪休假,因为他们有正规的薪酬待遇和福利。
Regular pay, which excludes bonuses, has picked up a bit but the most recent rate of2.3% is still subdued by historical standards. 工资虽然还照样发,不过已经降低了2.3%,相比于历史同期水平,奖金自然也取消了。
After the citizen attends insurance, at ordinary times the insurance premium with regular pay, once produce unexpected loss, can the regulation according to the contract, from corresponding economy is obtained to fill over there insurance company. 公民参加保险以后,平时交付一定的保险费,一旦发生意外损失,即可按照合同的规定,从保险公司那里获得相应的经济补。
To insure or to have a contract with a company where if regular payment is made, the company will pay compensation if you die or suffer harm or damage. 保险或与公司签约,如固定付款,公司将在发生死亡或遭受伤害或损害时向你赔偿。
Customers with regular bills of fixed amounts may pay by standing order. Imports news account settings from other news reader clients. 需定期定额付款的客户可使用自动划帐方式。从其它新闻阅读客户程序中导入新闻帐号设置。
So far the Red Army has no system of regular pay, but issues grain, money for cooking oil, salt, firewood and vegetables, and a little pocket money. 小钱积成万,粒粮堆成山红军至今没有什么正规的薪饷制,只发粮食、油盐柴菜钱和少数的零用钱。
A new media age survey found this month that 77 per cent of UK regular online readers were not prepared to pay for access to news websites. 上月,newmediaage的一份调查发现,英国77%的固定在线读者不愿为新闻网站付费。
Inevitably, the bosses have to ask their employees to do not only their regular jobs but also the work of axed colleagues& and without additional pay. 老板们不可避免地会让员工在完成自己日常工作的同时接手被裁员工的工作,而且没有额外的报酬。
And the overtime pay is usually more than the regular pay. 而加班工资通常要高于固定工资。
Insurant with oneself average wage is one days base of pay cost wage presses the regular pay that compare profit cost of primary endowment insurance. 被保险人以本人一年月平均工资为缴费工资基数按一定比利缴纳基本养老保险费。
They were told to monitor the regular news and weather broadcasts from Tokyo, just as they always did, but to pay especially careful attention to the phraseology employed to describe the weather. 他们被告知要定期监测天气消息,从东京广播,就像他们总是的确,而是要特别小心注意天气的措辞来描述。
We can ensure you regular supplies of these materials if you pay for them in good time. 如果你们能按时付款,我们可以保证定期向你们供应这些材料。
No. Not in regular government pay and employment, to lay traps? In came all the young men and women employed in the business. 没有这种想法。不是受雇于政府、接受正规津贴、陷害他人么?接着受雇于这家公司的所有年轻男女员工也都走了进来。
Traders complain that they face regular demands from officials to obtain higher selling prices for exports, or pay less for imports, irrespective of real market prices. 交易商抱怨说,他们要面对官员们经常提出的一些要求,对出口产品索要较高售价、或对进口产品支付较低价格,根本不管真正的市场价格如何。
The LPG scheme takes regular contributions from members of a community and pools them to pay those costs for a few households every month. 液化石油气项目得到了某社区居民的定期捐款,项目组织者将捐款集中起来,每个月解决几家的前期投入。
If adequate ventilation, regular exercise, pay attention to the prevention of influenza, the majority of people can be far away from the demons of tuberculosis. 如果保持空气流通,经常锻炼身体,注意预防感冒,多数人都可以远离结核病这个恶魔。
Until then, I will keep enjoying simple pleasures-such as the spring sun-until I can count on a regular pay packet again. 眼下,我将继续享受各种简单的快乐例如春日的阳光直至我再度能够依赖一份按期发放的工资单。
Richard gets one dollar for regular pay and a dollar and a half for time and a half. 理查德固定工资为每小时一美元,加班费为每小时一个半美元。
The payroll form can be designed in accordance with practical situations, but overtime compensation should be separated from regular working time pay. 工资表按工厂实际情况设计表格,但一定要把正常上班工资与加班工资分列出来。
Huang criticizes employees who work inefficiently during regular working hours in order to receive free meals, transportation fees, and extra pay. 黄先生批评一些员工,工作时间效率低下,这样就可以享受加班时问提供的免费餐、交通费和加班费。
Conclution: Besides regular CT, HRCT has been pay more attention to extensively in the diagnosis of pulmonary-disease. Revealing subtle structure of lung tissue clearly, HRCT has been used in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diffuse pulmonary diseases. 结论:HRCT作为常规CT的一种补充,近年在肺部疾病影像学诊断中受到广泛重视,因其能清晰显示肺组织的细微结构,故可用于弥漫性肺疾病的诊断和鉴别诊断。
This training should carry out after the learning of regular method of processing hexagram, pay attention to enhance sudents ′ size computation and control ability, etc. 该训练应在加工六角体常规方法学习之后进行,注意提高学生的尺寸计算能力和尺寸控制能力,培养学生的分析、调整能力。
To swap contracts, regardless of regular payments and the regular payment, once pay, then shall confirm for profit and loss and taxing. 对互换合约,不分定期支付和非定期支付,一经支付,便应确认为损益并征税。
When they worked in the mines, they can enjoy the same welfare with the regular employees, such as equal pay for equal work. But the time was only eight years, which was not long. 他们在煤矿工作,能够享有与正式工一样的福利待遇,同工同酬,但这一切又都只是暂时的,最多只能享受八年,轮换期一到,他们就得踏上回乡之路。
Now many enterprises adopt the method of regular maintenance. This not only cannot decrease the problems in manufacturing system, but also enterprises need to pay the expensive economic expenditure. 现在企业中多采用定期检修的方式,不仅仍然不能最大程度的减少生产系统出现的问题,企业还需要为此付出昂贵的经济支出。